World Championship Penny Farthing Hill Climb 2024

I successfully completed my two 2024 penny farthing challenges:

1. On the 11th August 2024, I competed in the Penny Farthing World Championship Hill Climb Time Trial at Eastbourne in the United Kingdom. The organisers kindly agreed to my participation and fundraising in this event. My time was 19 minutes and 46 seconds, coming 19th out of 26 riders from around the world. I achieved my target of a time less than twice that of the winning time (11.51, Charlie Burrell, UK) for the 2.91 mile route (4.69km), which rises from the sea front at Eastbourne and climbs over 492 feet (150m) up to the summit at Beachy Head. Large crowds cheered all of the competitors on what was a truly wonderful day. 

2. On the 17th August 2024, I completed my second penny farthing challenge; riding as far as I could in a single 12 hour period, across the wilds of Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire! I left home just after 6 in the morning, finished 12 hours later, and I was delighted to have achieved a distance of 102.88 miles. This included an elevation gain of 2,526 feet, an average speed of 10.1mph and a maximum speed of 33.7mph. This was one of the toughest challenges I have ever taken on. Friendly waves and encouragement from strangers along the way helped me to complete a very tiring and emotional ride.

Thanks to wonderful professional photographer, Jon Santa Cruz, for the attached photograph, which featured on the front page of The Times in 2023. 

Pictures and commentary from the two challenges are shown below:

Arrival at the sea front at Eastbourne very early in the morning, after a 2.5 hour drive.

                                                                            Ready to go! 

The route; 2.91 miles (4.69km), rising from the sea front at Eastbourne and climbing over 492 feet (150m) up to the summit at Beachy Head!

Big crowds gather along the sea front at Eastbourne.  

At the start line: Riders are set off at 1 minute intervals.

Approaching the finish line … already shattered. 

Delighted to achieve a time of 19 minutes and 46 seconds! (the winning time was 11.51, Charlie Burrell, UK).

                                                                    Finished. Hooray! 

Beachy Head, the highest chalk sea cliff in Britain. A beautiful place although tragically it is also associated with over 20 suicides each year.  

Final refuelling with more elite athlete nutrition … at the Mr Whippy mobile pharmacy. 


                                                          … ready to go! 

Just after 6 in the morning, a beautiful and very peaceful time of day … 

At the border with Bedfordshire …

Sun up over the Cambridgeshire Alps …

Long shadows from the early morning sun …

Temperatures rise in the afternoon to the high 20s

A pit stop at Shuttleworth …

Interesting machines … 

Refuelling at Baldock Services on the A1 …

Some stats courtesy of Strava …

Delighted to have completed my 12 hour cycle ride, covering over 102 miles!